Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The real version of Cinderella's fairy tale princess European inventory

 Norwegian Crown Princess wedding anniversary a new has been recognized
people in the past 20 years, three civilian woman married into the British royal family are well received. However, the prince and princess fairy tale did not come from this, as described live a happy life, three Cinderella marriage is not as perfect. Diana, Sarah and Sophie's face cause for regret.
But now there is a pretty good, she is 29-year-old Norwegian Princess Mette. Ma Lite. Hall ratio. This year's marriage certificate, the prince gave her the glass slipper seems to wear together.
August 25 last year , as a single mother of Crown Prince Haakon of Norway married Mette. Magnus, married this year, Mette fully perform the duties of the Princess of Norway, there were no reports of any scandal, and media relations good. major newspapers in Norway, specifically to write a press Leaf royal news. Tengsen Mu said: When Haakon married Mette announced when Norway's future queen, people think that Mette was not the right person, not only because of her civilian background, mainly because she was Previously, Mette worked as waitresses, but also, and a Government of Norway to complete her task. According to opinion polls show that more than 1 / 3 of Norway Mette for young people think that set a good example, only 1 / 10 of people thought she was incompetent. In addition, the Norwegian public would like the illegitimate child of Princess 5-year-old Morris to be protected, when the Mate for the time of the visit the country, people always ask her concern matters related to Morris, but also often sent him gifts. We all try to to ensure that Morris will not feel that they are being excluded.
Morris's concern that people are overexposed Morris last October, Mette had to ask the media to stop publishing pictures of his son. This is May special act of the most intense last year, a year ago, Mette always careful with the relationship with the media.
Princess did not attend college this weekend
, Haakon and Mette wedding anniversary celebration was held, followed by They intend to move to London, the London School of Economics, Haakon will complete a one-year Master's courses, and Mette plans to attend the London School of Oriental and African Studies Curriculum development and foreign aid. Mette had never been regular, university education system, many people think that Norway is not unusual.
In addition, people also expect the success of the royal couple the royal family to have the next generation of successors, a year ago, is so romantic wedding, everyone wants to hurry the birth of a new little life. Haakon and Mette hope never happy marriage. Tengsen Mu said: became a princess, Mette used by the media as the focus would. This year in February, Mette was a photographer on the plane snapped photographs, prior she had asked the reporter not take pictures inside the cabin, because she is afraid of flying . Mette behavior of the journalist very disappointed, decided to sue him.
Tengsen Mu said: reporter to photograph, but the private life, she is difficult to meet. When a sprained ankle; May, she and her husband told a German television interview, when they burn the skin. then two in fierce sun exposure, plus exposure to light sets, respectively, Mette and Haakon by primary and secondary burns.
the end of that injury to her earlier trip to Germany, but also won the respect and sympathy.
Tengsen Mu said: Princess traditional and cautious. reported that as Mette Diana equally long with blonde hair and the same is so beautiful, so naturally people will compare her and Diana.
Some people think she is another Diana However, Teng Senmu do not think so, she said: > Mette's performance also received the love and affection and support of the king Housuoniya .1968 year, Sonia also married to a civilian capacity as the then Crown Prince, now King Harald. Tengsen Mu said the queen a lot of support given to daughter and help.
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2 Spanish Crown Prince fiancee harder and harder, his beautiful bride mm of the original Spanish TVE television reporter, 31-year-old Letizia. Ortiz.
noble birth is usually the queen of Spain, as the future mother Letizia Queen Sofia. She married in 1975, ascended the throne as King of Spain Juan. Carlos before a Greek princess. Although Spain is no longer a palace footman groups, the maid around, but
Although the first ever Spanish princess from the quasi-folk, but the smart Letizia do not want to disgrace himself or Felipe. 24, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported, since last November and Felipe engagement After the bubble Letizia took time for her in the royal family on special crash course opened to receive comprehensive training.
view of the Spanish Crown Prince Felipe also served as the title, in addition to the Princess of Spain, the marriage will Letizia is the have for these new , several coaches perform their duties in particular: the British linguist fluent in foreign teach her English, and historians, to teach her to learn Spanish and other European countries in history. Of course, to really integrate into the royal family, Letizia must develop new interests and hobbies, such as hunting, skiing and sailing. In addition, the understanding of the royal taboos is also very important. but now more inclined to the royal family, accompanied by her royal family members attended a number of public places, the field study.
all are Letizia married in May 22 to complete the course before.

shoulder a heavy burden of 124 years in Spain at the royal wedding, the bride was not a Spaniard. Letizia shoulder the heavy burden she could not live up to all expectations. last October 31, Letizia last broadcast of the news, November 1, fully aware of its responsibilities Letizia future bid farewell to the previous life, wear Princess of clothing on, the first time the object of many media reports.
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exceptional performance
clear role to adapt to a new future for the journalist-turned-Laity Zia, is simply a go to Madrid, accompanied by the royal family in the hospital when the outstanding performance of condolences, it is rarely seen in public for the win a good reputation Letizia.
but some of the performance of Letizia challenge. perfect annoying, Yes, Letizia was a divorced woman, her former husband is a lecturer in literature, although they only registered the marriage registries in mind, but the media speculated that this may lead to pre-marital advice to her face when the priest embarrassment.
Still, these are not impede people like Letizia to like her, will not impede the May 22 day, Dana's Cathedral in Madrid, La Perm, where she and her sweetheart, etc. Crown Prince Felipe to happy with the palace.
do not want a repeat of Norway , which also began a tough the most month royal heir Crown Prince Haakon of Norway at home began. Eva met a handsome, where Crown Prince Felipe, and the dumping of his charm. And this when he was 22 years old Norwegian girl, perfect body, big eyes and her shyness is also getting a Felipe.
Eva's parents divorced, his father ran a car repair shop, and she herself did not attend any school, just doing the advertising model underwear . so the door does not properly account, so let Eva truly become the Princess of Spain this many veterans in the eyes of the royal family simply can not imagine. Meanwhile, half of the Spanish people that Eva did not have the will to become queen all the advantages needed.
Although Crown Prince Felipe has repeatedly insisted its choice, but the Queen Sofia or Eva showed the red card on the grounds of her lack of education of court etiquette, a wild girl underwear model turned his home life of the world can not become queen mother Miriam. Finally, Felipe had to yield under pressure in the mother, chose the line of succession, gave up 5 years fell in love with his girlfriend, Eva .2001 December 14, which segment has not been accepted by the feelings of people finally concluded with a period of helplessness.
Eva has a lesson, Letizia especially value their reputation has taken various measures to avoid a scandal. But the accident or happened. Earlier this year, allegedly painted half-naked pictures of Princess quasi began circulating on the Internet, the photo shows a half-naked beauty, the hands holding a paper airplane, the media that . Enraged Spanish royal family, pledging to help recover the innocence Letizia.
from the famous Spanish TVE television news anchors, the ��������� family first met at a dinner, the atmosphere was very friendly.
just two months after Crown Prince Felipe and Letizia meet again, but this is in the View the losses caused by oil tanker sank. They both feel angry for this ecological disaster, and to discuss environmental issues, they began to have some contact between the spring of .2003, Letizia gallant to her great Crown Prince is Spanish, but also people of Asturias. For the devout supporter of the monarchy, the Asturias Prince. Letizia engaged, also declared Letizia of Spain will be the first civilians in the history of the Princess. Letizia has been a model of female journalists, and now has become a model for all girls. She smart, educated, well-educated, to be a perfect diplomat. her social background (middle class) to enable her to become closer to the people a future queen. noble mind is Letizia won the respect of the Spanish .
a few weeks, Letizia will become a member of the royal family, but now she will from time to time and the Crown Prince with a little when the bride suddenly interrupted by the Crown Prince: Frog Prince and Cinderella staged a modern love story
Frog Prince and Cinderella fairy tale could have been two, but 25 at the Cathedral in Rome, a wedding is the perfect piece together these two stories together. a bit can not inherit the throne of the prince and an ordinary girl's wedding in France for everyone the story of a modern version of The Frog Prince and Cinderella love story.
31-year-old groom Emanuele. Philip Beto is The last emperor of Italy, the grandson of Umberto II, he and 34-year-old French actress Clotilde. libraries in Romania's high-profile wedding. About 1,200 people attended their wedding, most of them Italian some of the nobility, the other, Prince of Monaco Albert also attended the wedding.
But the modern version of the frog and the prince's love story is not like a fairy tale written as a simple romance. This should be the grandfather of Philip Beto mm of Italy Umberto II, the last emperor talking about .1946 of June 2, Italy held a referendum, officially declared abolition of the monarchy, a republic was forced to make way for Umberto II. After the second year, Italy the Constitution, members of the royal family had supported the implementation of fascism, Mussolini, it must be expelled from the descendants of the royal family in Italy. And last, the Italian constitution to abolish this law, was born in Switzerland, grew up Feili Bei care was able to return to Italy and the wedding here.
complex life experience and Philip Beto than the background of the bride Clotilde much simpler, she was born in France, his father was an engineer, g Lottie Stewart has taken over 24 French films. The harbor has been 6 months pregnant actress bride said, after marriage she will not end his career, continued to engage in her favorite film and television work.
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European royal princess married a commoner and a European royal chattering away
married with a princess and a commoner. was for centuries the traditional defense of the European royal family Now step by step erode away, the whole of Europe have been a royal atmosphere of the civilian population. In a grand wedding, the royal family were forced smile in the future seems full of dazed and confused.
centuries , European royal portal giants used in a limited range of Tanhunlunjia, exotic marriages between the royal family is common. royal families hoping to maintain their princes of Europe does not seem to mind the rules and regulations, voluntary contributions to the private sector to love people find their darling. royal and existence of royal insurgents?
unique value, the absolute and relative authority of the idol, the royal family to keep these first advocated the concept of equality and democracy in the era concept of freedom out of tune. After Princess Diana, the Princess of civilians have repeatedly challenged the royal lineage, and the first time in public with the support of the royal family isolated. to maintain the authority necessary to maintain the blood, maintaining blood will promote the first door, the door first will have to promote the civilian population of diametrically opposed, and diametrically opposed to the royal family is bound to lose public opinion. royal family in the no longer important. It is seen as gradually the door the first descent of fresh water. They think that these represent the feudal concept of inequality should have been thrown into the dustbin of history.
Norwegian scholar pointed out that the royal family, after all, and the general families, ; you should not only lofty, but also become part of ordinary people. .
is precisely because people are concerned about changes in the angle of the royal family, and is no longer looking up, but more and more looking down, the media have begun to vigorously hunt for the royal family's privacy. they did have become tabloid press tampered with the focus of their reports, and even the death of Princess Diana and the press also has a direct link. The Princess of civilians has become the most talked about media coverage of the object. royal family the meaning of existence is the focus of attention again.
to the royal family it seems unlikely that remain mysterious, the common people to the royal family to marry the princess as a civilian after-dinner conversation and certainly not the royal family want. But if the royal family is still there, and civilians continue to be Qujin Princess Palace, then it must to accept the reality of the media hype; if the royal family wanted to keep it gradually die out.
lucrative civilian
royal princess to the royal princess of civilians may feel the adverse effects brought them all, but they have accepted so many civilians, Princess, just to see which is Figure change the view. One would think that such a royal more affinity. royal recognition of the idea of free love and marriage, will therefore be more understanding and support of the people. If the royal family to accept new ideas, rather than rigidly adhere to the shackles of the past, perhaps the royal family presence is acceptable.
more importantly, most of them civilians, have good manners Princess. the image of their marriage regardless of how marriage is gradually being recognized by the country's citizens. not to mention Princess Diana to the whole of the UK bring fresh atmosphere of the royal family, her personal elegance but also for the whole of Europe brought honor to the royal family. civilian identity, she has some sort of affinity, because there is no rigid propriety and arrogant, because the ordinary has a more profound understanding of life, she plain and to always maintain friendly image, and in-depth lives of ordinary people to the hospital to visit sick and elderly, AIDS patients and cordial conversation, in the cold winter to the homeless street comfort, pick up with both hands children suffering from leprosy hh of her existence and destruction have forced the British royal family and continue to reflect a compromise step by step, by the passive transfer initiative to promote the process of the civilian population.
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European royal married a civilian and a civilian Princess Princess
for the European royal family, in the end is a blessing or a curse, and now difficult to determine, the European royal family will cherish this confusion stumble. However, one thing is certain, In modern society, the populace is the only way out of the royal family.
all kinds of announced officially his girlfriend before the Spanish TVE television mm presenters Pretty West Asia. Otis to marry him. For a time, a huge photo of this golden couple occupied the front pages of all the Spanish newspaper, Spain and the whole nation because of the news jubilant.
The only surrendered called image of the refined, intelligent mind, he played in several well-known media presenter, and was evaluated as having Spain one of the most watched programs. Otis also live coverage of the United States because of the br> love story of the British royal family seems staged the richest and most interesting, but most people sad .1981 on July 29, Britain's Prince Charles and Diana both civilian women entering St. Paul's Cathedral in London, held a fairy-tale century wedding, also staged last century's most legendary Camilla. Therefore, it can be said Diana was one of the most unfortunate Princess of civilians. In this case, Diana began to seek their own lives. Their marriage was finally officially ended in August 1996. and Charles divorced, rich son of Diana and Dodi Egypt. Fayed fell in love. and Dodi. Fayyad is Diana a few months to get along the best time of life. .1997, but did not last long early morning of August 31 4 pm, Diana in a car in Paris to escape the madness of the photographer followed the chase and crashed into concrete pillars, generation of beauty died in the Seine River.
Denmark: lawyers and investment experts to marry palace
Kingdom of Denmark, the Nordic romantic fairy tale never a lack of romance. The two fell in love with the prince from the civilian sectors, respectively, the two pretty girls, and are living a happy life.
10 7, a modern fairy tale of love staged: the noble handsome Crown Prince Frederik and Australian Women Lawyers beautiful and Mary. Donaldson engagement, the two wedding will be May 14, 2004 in Copenhagen Cathedral. This romantic 2000 Sydney Olympic Games met and fell in love. A year later, Donaldson moved to Copenhagen to resign. She started to learn Danish, understanding the culture of Denmark, and Denmark began to wear a well-known clothing. Donaldson soon get the Danish people recognition and support, they believe that the Australian to the Tim's happy marriage has been the story of the Danish National relish. Princess Alexandra was born in Hong Kong, there is a Chinese name is Alexandra. She proficient in Cantonese, English, French and German, the language ability in reading. Asia Alexandra in London and the University of Vienna, Austria over the economy and later served as head of an investment company In 1995 Joachim came to Hong Kong, at a gathering of friends met with Alexandra. Alexandria Although the civilian de origin, but the extraordinary temperament, intelligent cute. they love at first sight, each in just five months will be set for life in November In 1995, the two held in a church wedding in Denmark.
Norway: nightclub entertainment became Princess
2000 �� 8 25, the Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Metairie. Mariette wedding, attracted worldwide attention. This is not only because of Marit civilian origin, but also because she has ; ugly past. fell in love with the news of the civilian population, public outcry. to the media to launch an attack when the future queen, has been silent Prince Haakon of confrontation could bear. his station in Norway to the National People's confession, He wanted to marry the person is Metairie. Mariette.
Prince of love has finally been recognized by the king and queen. Before the wedding ceremony, held a press conference devoted Mariette, and break with the past life. She lookin tears to apologize, and to ensure that the future will carry out their responsibilities. Mariette married Haakon, the full discharge of the duties of the Princess of Norway, there were no reports of any scandal, and media relations is not bad. Norwegian political scientist Kraft says: people think that she was incompetent. tower. Their romance began in 1999. At that time, an international investment bank in Brussels to work   invited to attend the royal palace in Spain at a dance, and dance with Alexander. They fell in love.
with his brother Alexander, as the Dutch prince's marriage case Fuli Suo to trouble, and he loved to marry with, even a repeat of Britain's Duke of Windsor 60 years ago Special reportedly had a notorious gang leader and is closely related. Schmidt acknowledged that, when she died and the gang leader in the maritime areas of common interest and acquaintance, and had been on his yacht. But Schmidt said She did not love their relationship and about his illegal activities in the following, immediately severed ties with them. Schmidt May 10, Fu Lisuo Prince renounced the second line of succession, and in April of next year as planned marriage. 

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