Friday, February 11, 2011

Popular culture is actively buried the girl's brain

 Fight for gender equality for women has been fighting for decades. However, ; sexy destruction of the most critical age of their worth, while those who bring the aura of destructive behavior.
Li Bao is a political analyst, is She said: new skills, only in the social and sexual relations to take the initiative to win the appreciation and recognition. Laila, Lil Kim and other stars of the music and performance, stating that dignified or achievements are not recognized and respected live in a climate of very strong anti-gender equality in the world, to win the attention, girls compete to please the male through sexual means. ;, advantage, the West seem to have their great tolerance and generosity. In many ways, this is true. However, not all changes are positive. in sexual relations, today's girls are forced to be more challenging, more difficult and full of minefields in the forward pressure. the main channel. In the past few decades, Western culture, yet boldly advocating the gradual change of direction. There is a phenomenon in today's society, it seems that all the attention has focused on the waist r l happened. Libao with Analytical thinking women of this society we live.
Libao strong desire to refute the accusations of people to her prudish. She said: , is damaging to girls. advocating sexy, fashion-conscious, too much emphasis on the external charm of their own culture, trying to encourage girls to become as skinny as the models and stars, so that young women have their own unrealistic body look forward to.

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