Sunday, February 27, 2011

Green Denmark (2) - subversion Andersen he was a great novelist

 Select the right direction and goal of life, according to their own wishes and needs to develop a rational, I will give you guidance and protection. r destiny for me that have never had such a wise and fortunate inspiration. My fairy tale life It's the that children around the world come to call the names of Hans Christian Andersen (Hans Christian Andersen) President.
to travel to Odense, even without a map you can easily find where Hans Christian Andersen Museum, as next to almost every public facilities here have similar tourist signs reminding visitors at any time, Health and a paper-cut works of the famous Hans Christian Andersen attractions carved out of the LOGO, Odense If you walk in the way that the emergence of this on the ground, then where you are with the Anderson-related sites that the.
fairy-tale inspired by Hans Christian Andersen Odense home to give his life to travel abroad
29 Andersen, footprints in Europe, has been to North Africa, which many times is he to travel to escape censure to ease the pain means to him unexpectedly expanded form of thinking, broaden their horizons channels.
but here we have to start from the beginning that this is Odense, Andersen's here to give a child, but also that Block the little cottage town, given the creative soul Andersen cells. Andersen's former home outside the
1805 年 4 months, in the slums of a yellow house, Andersen was born . His father was a poor shoemaker and his mother was a laundress, her grandmother has to go begging to maintain normal family. His family has three very, very small room, short visit to the present time we have visitors down through the . It is said that Andersen's parents married when the poor can not afford to buy a decent bed, in the end the father of his ingenuity transformed the old coffin of a bed, and Hans Christian Andersen is born in this small bed .
bed with a coffin made of Hans Christian Andersen was born lived in Odense many nobles and landlords, who fear that aristocratic landowners reduce their own identity, are not allowed to own a piece of home children and Andersen children play. my father saw this gas in the heart, but is also not revealed in front of children, but very easy on the Hans Christian Andersen said: ! the books and song books, cabinets and father do for his little puppet toys hh then the time his father would talk in a Hans Christian Andersen on the Fort script writer hormones, or the plays of Shakespeare's England. Although I was curious whether Andersen when young understand this, but it is undeniable that such a pre-school or in the young Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales planted hearts the fire. Andersen's little house, every corner of the home have been carefully arranged
When parents grow to 14-year-old Andersen, because of the life force, as do the actors to pursue dreams, so bring bags and mother Andersen 13 Danish kroner, set foot on land in Copenhagen, that count as his first travel? Since then, he started another life to a new chapter.
Hans Christian Andersen wrote three autobiographical life: 1832 book, referred to his lovely home - Odense (Odense) like him here with his brush strokes to give idyllic fairy tale-like colors, quiet river, across from the city of them. two sides grows a tree, with leaves of the Dan Feng, a sparse birch, willow has long Fushui.
Odense beautiful architecture that Li Gete old church, Alice Anderson Park garden general, the impression in the Hans Christian Andersen China has been the mysterious flow of the river can be, still preserved houses of medieval architecture, can be encountered at every turn to have stood for more than two years old house, selling a variety of like a little concerned with the Hans Christian Andersen Museum, souvenir shops in general, In fairy tales, and perhaps a business stop will be a small coffee bar hh
red, pink, white, purple, yellow, hh the past only to see the flowers in the picture, in Auden Competition has become the ghost of my lens. from this right into every small house who will not come out sharp nose, a tall, thin Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen it? around around in Anderson is a former residence Block styles. bright colors, filled with medieval houses, are said to move around from Fyn to put here, the house itself is a relic, right? If I just said that if, one day from the Hans Christian Andersen return visit to his hometown of Paradise, then he will stay in the century feel.
addition this city, and Andersen-related sculptures everywhere. City Park, Central Park, said Andersen, a seat on Christians Health bronze statue, in the face elegantly the Odense River. next to Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale based on . There is a river park, which is to say in fairy tales of Andersen, it is China's river bottom, swans and ducks swimming in the river, microwave fluttering, full of fairy tale mood. along the river walk go, there is a bronze hippocampus, its front legs, a pair of fins Alice grows out of the water, the high horse, mouth spit out fine Wuban the foam spray, horse ass on a huge fish tail. on horseback mermaid hand holding a carp. It is said that this is based on the production of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale sculptures. The hotel entrance pillars, each pillar is a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale about the international chain hotel brand and even
million Renaissance Hotel in Odense branches have their own personalized decoration, everything related with the Hans Christian Andersen. those years carrying 13 Dan Maike and beloved puppet's back home in the buggy Andersen, who had written Under such a sentence: under the name of Odense, there will be this line: a lanky Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen was born here! Competition is proud of him, is the name of Hans Christian Andersen to Odense louder.
subvert one of Hans Christian Andersen: Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale is not written, as the novel
born 70,80 children, that time we did not, Fairy Tales, attracted by the plot, while our young minds from the things, and Anderson join together to express the share of life for the worldly talk, compassion for the unfortunate poor, for wealth inequality, hatred law of the jungle, for the cruel, greedy, weak, stupid and exploitation by the reactionary ruling class Perhaps only after the flogging of us adults can understand. Hans Christian Andersen Museum, there is a huge collection of space, which collection of all languages around the world, number second only to the lived in Denmark a few years, Mr. So-depth understanding of Hans Christian Andersen had. by a Mr. Ye Junjian translation of thinking.
said according to Andersen's autobiography, as a writer, his most valued works are fiction and drama, fairy tales only in his writing home second. he himself did not like his impression that the fairy close children. Andersen Foundation, the interpretation of this issue may be able to explain this contrast: a fairy tale book, he obliterated the 7 to 70 years of age to read reproduction in a scenario, and reproduce when he seems to have completely different taste. Even the master Tolstoy had a similar reading experience, he spoke of this experience and Golgi: Andersen had? I read 10 years ago, I did not understand, 10 years later, I finally understand, and he was very lonely, very lonely. depth of bone marrow lonely!
subversion Andersen two: he is a great trip home (where part of the contents from the old suitcase, a hat, a bag, an umbrella, a walking stick. This is the most simple outfit Andersen, he took them all over 29 countries in Europe, which also reflects his simple life and fun. When I walk in Copenhagen Amalienborg changing of the guard looked at the scene, I seem to think that it is Anderson's lines, V stage in the park with the turret Chinese attraction to create the background of the Chinese fairy tale prepare for their annual trip a pocket-sized ink bottle, many of his bumpy journey text is written in the improvisation. In Andersen's manuscripts, often written more light can be seen even more water white ink handwriting, it is trip to the ink bottle over and over again the results of the water in Riga. on the road apart and wash the clothes need mending their own, if there is a white thread to ink black. necessary he would paste made with flowers and postcards. Andersen was ; living elsewhere, trips, the flight of a lifetime 29. whenever he encountered in the plight of his hometown, met with emotional twists and turns, blamed by critics and criticism, he will set foot on foreign land toward the Andersen temporarily unable to overcome the difficulties of treatment strategy seems to be the wisdom of the East: think of those harsh critics, those who find fault with the actors, those cynical newspaper, he wanted to escape abroad. Andersen on October 31, 1840 and left early, Denmark, Germany enjoy playing Liszt and The first experience in the new railway to the speed of the train, he is also the first train of the people, seems to be the speed of the train gave him some kind of stimulation, the New Year when he came to St. Peter's Basilica in Italy to pray: He wanted to commit suicide. this time the king gave him 600 yuan travel allowance, the large bundles of . could have been hiding out of trouble along the way but no escape Chretien, ; your passport, we can not understand a word, we think you are German, we are prepared to be arrested and escorted back to Athens. a series of setbacks. Imagine if today's the establishment of the out of what he described as and in 1829 the Royal Island from the eastern end of the canal to the Ama Ao. on the assumption of the journey is often filled with fear, especially the details of life in the harbor doubts. He was always afraid that they delayed the train, usually arrived at the station for several hours in advance, even on the train, he will believe himself by mistake vehicles. In Hans Christian Andersen Museum, there is a bunch of 9-meter-long rope, which he carried, and prevention of hotel caught fire, he can use this rope from the window to escape. It is said that at his bedside also wrote a paper tape: He is half-half is realistic shape the language of fantasy is a Living World. dead swan floating on the water, but she comes alive at night, showing the world her beauty and glory is trembling. to remain alive. Whether he is sometimes ignored, went straight into the fantasy, like a sleepwalker, like write a misty illusion. Compared with the Hans Christian Andersen, while those of us mortals eat boring travelogue written, and we racked brains out another pile of rhetoric, not as safe as master of words like sleepwalking. Lan Duka in Florence near the square, there is a small bronze wild boar, Andersen's dreams turned into a child riding in it body experienced a magical tour, and he travels in his Florence to here as a major tourist attraction, the tour guides will be speaking in various languages about the innocent little boy that night, strange experience. Andersen was a sleepwalking into numerous to Dante's another dream home a dream. German town of Weimar, Goethe lived for 56 years where is the creation of who suddenly came to a quiet, shy, intrinsic abundance of places, like a pot of charcoal suddenly moved to the snow. We hope to find the appropriate description of Weimar, Weimar, when we open the tourist brochures, It was actually a reference to Andersen's words: Royal Library in Denmark, we see many of the manuscripts on the Yin often indecipherable marks diffuse, convex and concave folds, said the trip the weather conditions and air humidity. Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales have a special rhythm, it may spoke wheel travel carriage is stirring rhythm. Other Fairy Tales is his first trip to the inn about the people, and then follow the taste of oral hastily transcribed on paper, and then read out the sentence pronounced, marked pause, stress symbols, so tired of people writing in the neck, and he is in a peculiar way to expand before my eyes open train Exotic Flowers is a new era. In Italy, he first discovered the charm of painting and sculpture, he saw so excited when Raphael Madonna: poles of two of the world seems to be his quiet place. Andersen's life, traveling constantly, not the source of production must work. He wrote a total of 6 novels, 6 of travel, 5 poems, 25 plays, 3 autobiography hh there fairy tale, it is more fragmented, so the set was later compiled into fairy tales.
subversion Andersen III: He is an extremely low self-esteem of people in the Hans Christian Andersen Museum
found here Andersen's self-portrait and more extra, and here there are many mirrors, it said that Andersen paid great attention to his appearance, but because of his appearance he often felt inferior, that can not communicate with the women to As for the rumors circulating that he is gay. in school, Andersen between family members living in the ancient forest, the ancient Lin's daughter, beautiful and gentle with deep literary accomplishment of Louisa. ancient forest deep in the young mind, his love her every move, a word a smile. In view of several previous contacts with the women fail, Yun Andersen not want people to know the love in his heart, even a trace. But the blazing live the true feelings is sealed, it humid atmosphere in blossom fairy, cemented the desolate beauty of the names begin shine, this is the only reason I'm alive. I coveted the fame and glory, and the miser same coveted gold. special, Dumas, Balzac, Mendelssohn, Brothers Grimm, Wagner, Charles Dickens. Charles Dickens was invited to a guest house, he is five weeks to live, and then he broke off diplomatic relations with Dickens it, to death he did not understand that because people sick of him. in his reputation is also limited to Denmark, he would not unsolicited visiting Hugo, appeared to be very inappropriate. Heine also he met the famous, and he did not agree br> subversion Andersen four: He is a master hand the letter in fact
master hand on the Hans Christian Andersen is the matter not so subliminal, visiting the museum after you will naturally understand. < br> Andersen lonely life: growing up in the old attic Andersen unprepossessing, withdrawn, does not like to play with other children, but to shut himself in the home, a lot of reading fairy tales, to make their own doll clothes, this self-enclosed character brought him precocious mind and melancholy character. Although the appearance of dark, but his heart is always pure and hot, from his work can see that he is a childlike innocence and human nature has always been confident person. in memory of the same generation, content, in fact, the spirit of Andersen's life is very unstable and difficult to restrain his passion for the opposite sex, love and sex in a very sensitive issue, he suffers from severe paranoia, often caught in its own already dead illusion, carrying a rope to prevent the fire can escape, a place of fear of the wilderness like extremely. Throughout his life, he is dark and light, melancholy and innocence, fire and swamps one. there is the famous commentators think he is A strange, rare frog.

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