Monday, February 14, 2011

Growth is not something unreal

 Dunk in your head before the others, now you upon another dunk.
Before you is you always feel as the center of the world, now you know that you are still so unique, but there are so many around you and unique life like you, worthy of respect, worthy of love.
it used to feel that they are correct, can not hear the views of others, the extreme when the personality, the voice now to let others come in, know who speaks little Hear all .
it used to feel that they are mature, disgusted look down on parents and teachers themselves, and now know that more mature, but only in a mature way.
subjects previously only work hard in love, now know was not equal to their own preferences to look at each subject.
prefer the opposite sex before the grandstand for a way to attract their eyes, and now you start to like the real you, like comfortable and let their own comfortable way to express their existence.
always full of the opposite sex before a lot of strange mysterious suspect, and still is ignorant, but no longer indulge in this, you know, there are many beautiful scenic worlds in front waiting for you.
previous father and mother would like temper tantrums, now, to see mom and dad continue to extend the wrinkles, the heart already have compassion and love.
used to think parents are unattainable idol, and now know that they are ordinary people, but the heart is more respected.
ago that sanitation workers would take a detour their noses, and now you see them more respect in the eyes.
back before you make fun of disabled children Now when you walk around from them, the heart will have to do for them the impulse.
world the world the original, you is not the same for you.
growth in order to better live, with a problems to live, so you can grow the way to avoid getting lost, I have a happy life, peace, and again by the motive 

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