Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Huawei side of the banner can not be poured

 Huawei CEO Ren
recent days, the history of Wei brother's article entitled :
fair, as an IT practitioner, he led me to the Ren and Huawei has been full of respect, and because of its unique corporate culture, is closely guarded secret. According to my colleagues that chief did not mention the interview never accepted (This means that the total arrival of what the so-called interview with depth reports on Huawei's all crap!), we only news channel that is from 10 years ago that the newspapers occasionally, either with the sum of the delegation of Chinese entrepreneurs accompanied by the then Vice President Hu and other Asian and African countries to visit and so on. Later, he served as general people, respect for double wells.
remember about July 2003 (?) about End of the World community to work on the diary on a Huawei article sparked an outcry of public opinion users, Huawei is also a troubled year. January 2003 (?) it was Cisco's prosecution against the theft of intellectual property, but it was also the site of Huawei Harbour continuously lose ground on the most heated moments.
Ren said that time is the Huawei ; internal and external problems Shenzhen interview with the unexpected time, and the first time in the industry come up with a heavy litigation on the cross-depth reporting. Soon, Huawei alliance 3COM, success in the U.S. market, check out Cisco's intellectual property litigation, We all know the next mm final Dujia Bin bitterly left the position of president of Cisco China, but also left China.
remember the few times I have ears to listen to Huawei and Lenovo Liu compared the differences, and praised Huawei is China's IT industry, the other side of the banner. Liu Zong to the effect that IT industry in China, Huawei and Lenovo are two completely different companies, Huawei advocating technological base, as has been climbing the Himalayas in the north slope, steep, Lenovo is marketing first, as is always the southern slope of the mountain climbing to ease roundabout. The path is different from very different results, I think, the industry has a lot of people will agree with this view; Huawei in the independent technology development and overseas development respect, has gone further than the Lenovo.
now, almost in the industry known as The strategy was a great success, but I think it is perhaps just the beginning of winter, Huawei. The simple truth is that Ren and Li in private between a man first set aside whether to exact revenge, China's technology companies, whether it is Huawei, or harbor, the real technology companies do not own much.
chief since you can sit back and relax? Definitely not. industry knows, in the harbor for up to 6 Years as the This 6 years, Huawei, Harbour has also been grabbing sites, however, to chief of mind, is Buzhi Yu wait the market today in India, being blocked, but also proved this point that any summary of the total was a few years of hardships, Huawei is not simply get rid of , based on the road in technology, Huawei also need to do more.
from this sense, the bay can be drained is the industry a big sad thing. Originally, we had so many energetic technology companies do not , there is now one less, and also the fall of an idealist. see my BLOG I argue: Too many heroes, with winner takes all philosophy, so successful (for example, the emperor of each new round) will be even more glory and arrogance, failure (such as Wang Guowei) increasingly bitter and distraught.
Huawei will Where to go? This is not just a business proposition of Huawei, China is also eager to seek plans for a development of the Chinese giant overseas collective dilemma. History of Wei brother in his personal BLOG presents a thought-provoking question: in China to Huawei, TCL, Lenovo to such a large number of overseas development of local enterprises, need to be strong without the support of a national strategy?
This is a very timely question. I think in addition to the oil, move so is similar to private enterprises such giants TCL Overseas begun to taste the forbidden fruit in the bitter end (of course, there are TCL its own management and strategic issues).
give a single country to support transnational their local corporate giants, both in South Korea, Japan, the United States, are not unfamiliar early. More importantly, today's national competition, not only in the political arena, the more important and focused performance is the competition between multinational corporations, just as Cisco and Huawei today ,,,,,, Petroleum and Shell in 1999, the first time I went to Seattle, found that the year is like the old Shanghai of the small fishing village, actually gave birth to the world's two global giants, a giant hard (Boeing) , a ranking of soft (Microsoft), living in this are called I had no precise area measurement, but Seattle and the entire United States, is sufficient.
Similar examples also occur in South Korea and Japan during the World Cup .2002 Seoul, Samsung, I had the pleasure to visit. came back, I wrote an article, emotion, Samsung, Haier to go beyond such enterprises, needs at least another 40 years or so mm The South Korean company Samsung, the most famous local found, this is undoubtedly the rise of the giant electronics companies the same result a symbol of national spirit .1969 Korea, the company founder in Suwon Samsung to build the company, but in the midst of farmland and constructing several factory, Samsung is also very easy and simple goal: a Korean domestic brands of electronic products, catch up with Japanese manufacturers.
37 years later, Samsung has become and international electronics giant Sony and other well-known multinational par, in the areas of digital products and displays, the market share by far. the engine to the energy sector, Samsung holds all their core technology, such a vertical manufacturing system in the world is unique. > In 2001, the brand value of Samsung jumped to 69 billion U.S. dollars, ranking the top 20 global, digital and consumer electronics era is down to three weeks on the cusp of the industry, two major areas of the global manufacturers of digital Samsung and Sony, some critics pointed out that the Sony Open dangerous, Samsung Semiconductor R & D in IT in particular, the accumulation of advantage and will guide its future competition take hold. Samsung Electronics CEO Chin Dae Je, recently declared: relative disadvantage; but in the digital age, Samsung is confident a new era of digital freedom of the new leader. in the near future, will surpass Samsung, Sony, the world leader in digital technology. A staff member told reporters: Sony, where the fatal wound. Samsung's biggest competitor, but everyone know that Sony does not grasp the core technology of digital and IT. talent, Samsung digital technology, network, entertainment, consumer electronics across the field of IT technical advantages will enable Samsung paid off, come from behind. site, to consumer electronics, for example, Sony's profit margin has grown from 10% in 1991 fell 1% in 2001., but the same or similar number of Samsung digital and IT products, Sony's profits are significantly higher than several times, more important, Samsung is now beginning to ubiquitous IT products and home appliances for strong integration. like the Ministry of integrated open up the TV image and display the traditional technology barriers, will be unified in the unity of kinds of digital products displayed platforms, not yet conclusive, Park Chung-yuan said that Samsung has been making it appears skeptical, more importantly, as any in the world markets, in China, and Samsung are rapidly occupied the market to its huge success and even the national aspirations of the digital dream, after all, the rise in the Samsung in every step , have confirmed the Koreans itinerary, Samsung CEO will be in this morning to see us. Then I'm sorry to inform our staff, their CEO was when Ren Hanguo provisional President Kim Dae Korea called over to see video games live on the United States at the presidential palace of a mm office, Kim Dae dozen South Korean companies to the CEO and other dignitaries called together to see live video mm Korean national spirit so popular, they for the national culture (in particular, and the Han and the Confucian tradition), is favored a plus, for the national enterprises, but also give a single country and give everything, spare no effort to support and do not know, which also count as a
All employees are considered, and if one day the company's sales decline, falling profits or even bankruptcy, how do we do? peace in our company too long, the official rise in times of peace too much, perhaps is our disaster. Titanic is out in a sea of ​​cheers. And I believe that this day will surely come. the face of such a future, how do we deal with, we are not thinking too. We a lot of blind people proud, blind optimism, if too few people thought, perhaps soon arrived. danger, not alarmist.
visit to Germany when I see the recovery of Germany after World War II so fast, was very impressed . They were the workers to unite and proposed to lower wages, no increase in wages, thus speeding up economic development, economic growth in Germany so soon after the war. If Huawei is really a crisis comes, is not wages and salaries by half, we rely on that cabbage, pumpkin live, you can line? or whether we will be able to lay off half of the rescue company. If this is on the line, then risk is not dangerous. because the risk of a past, we can gradually make the pay back. or selling growth, will be forced to lay off people, please come back. This is nothing the crisis. If both are carried out, can not save the company, thought not.
years I think every day is a failure, turning a blind eye to the success , there is no sense of honor, pride, but a sense of crisis. Maybe this is only survive for a decade. We all want to come to, how to live, and perhaps live longer to save up some. Failure is the day will surely come , we have to prepare, this is my unwavering view from it is the law of history.
the present circumstances, I think our company from top to bottom, has not really understand the crisis, then the moment when the crisis came, we may be caught off guard. We are not already numb, is not the mind has no crisis the string, is not have no self-critical capacity or very low. So, if surrounded by a crisis, then we may be true no way. then we can only say , we can not continue to live.
management points the past three years the per capita benefits are talking about the issue. no attention to growth in per capita benefits, the management will not progress. so a company's most important is the pursuit of the core long-term, sustained growth in per capita benefits. Of course, this is not just the current contribution rate of per capita financial indicators, but also includes potential per capita growth. business is not to big, nor is it strong, short of the strong, but the continued ability to live and adapt. We have a staff to write an article, to improve on, how many people in the study could be improved. We are all indicators of cadres debriefings efficiency indicators per capita. reduced the efficiency indicators per capita, we firmly down wages. If you can not accept even lower wages I think that you will not need to stay in Huawei has struggled. a department head not made any mistakes, but no growth in per capita benefits, he should step down. another department's leadership made some mistakes, of course, is not moral error, work is bold, daring responsibility, lack of experience of errors, the growth in per capita benefits, he should be taken seriously. If he made mistakes, collective discussion, and the wrong time and later corrected, he should be promoted. cadres at all levels, departments and cadres should be promoted to prevent the self-preservation. in a system, the per capita effective indicators for less growth, then the major department leadership and cadres department, should all resign. because they were their choice, you what kind of people elected.
in the current circumstances, we must be prepared, be sure to see the crisis may occur. we all know, there is a first-class company in the world, is indeed great, but said last year down to down, blink of an eye the company almost collapsed. Of course, they have a good basic research, there are good technical reserves, they can make a comeback. maximum decline about two years, over two years, the world leader again. And Huawei has what? solid foundation we have no people, no good if the management of Huawei, then the real collapse, the future will have nothing, no longer the resurrection.
Huawei old crying wolf, cry more , we do not believe there was. but the wolf really came. This year we started the crisis broad discussion of what Huawei crisis, what crisis your department, your department have any crisis, the point of your process What crisis. can improve it? can improve it? can increase the per capita efficiency? If the discussion is clear, then we might die to extend our lives. how to improve management efficiency, we have been written some Management of these elements can improve on some of your work, if improvement that we are forward.
a balanced development, is to grasp a short piece of wood
how we can survive. Comrades, You have to think, if every year you fifteen percent increase in per capita output, you may only hold the same or may pay slightly decreased. electronic products decline in price of only fifteen percent more than a year also it. we sell more and more, while the profits are less and less, if we do a little small, we may not hold today, let alone a raise. can not rely on endless overtime, so be sure to improve our management. improvements in the management, we must emphasize that improvement of our minimum piece of wood. all departments and sections, the main leaders of the process are weak grasp. To insist on balanced development, continue to strengthen the process for the type and time type led the construction management system, in line with the company to enhance the core competitiveness of the overall conditions, to optimize your work and improve the contribution rate. Why do to solve the short board? company from top to bottom in research and development, marketing, but not attention to the tally system, the central transceiver systems, teller systems, order systems hh, and many other systems, the system is not taken seriously short of wood, the front did any better, unable to pay back the goods, or equal to not dry. so the whole company The value must establish a unified evaluation system, a unified evaluation system in order to enable staff mobility and balance in the internal as possible. For example some people say that I am engaged in research and innovation is very powerful, but how to display the value of innovation, innovation must be transformed into commodities in order to produce value. We focus on technology, attention to marketing, which I do not object, but each chain is very important. on R & D relative to use of services, the same level of a service engineer may be greater than R & D integrated capacity is also stronger. So if we do not give recognition service system, this system will never be good people not by the composition. not by the good people to organize, is the high cost of the organization. as he flew past repair machines to go fix it, fix it and fly past, but also flying in the past and fix it. We all pay a sponsorship to the air. If we can fix one, or simply do not have in the past, using remote guidance can repaired, how much we will save ah! Therefore, we should emphasize a balanced development can not be dwelling on a particular aspect. For example, our old made the wrong goods, the goods sent to foreign countries and sent back, the wrong freight, payment of interest does not have to count cost? so to establish a balanced assessment system in order to make the whole company into a long board short board, bottled water will be more.
of our many products over the years However, many Western companies IBM to our company to visit when we waste a great joke, because we studied a lot of good things that can not be sold, which in fact is a waste. We do not attach importance to system building, will result in resources the waste. to reduce the short wooden casks, it is necessary to establish a balanced value system, to emphasize the company to enhance the core competitiveness of the whole.
Second, what responsibility, and accountability to the people there are essential differences between , one is the expansion system, a system is convergent.
Why do we have to emphasize time-based process-oriented and dominated system? cadres now operate on the process, they used everything superiors. This is wrong, there are already provisions, or a practice, do not bother to consult, should be quick to let it pass. execution flow of people, is to be responsible, and this is what accountability. everything to consult, that is, human responsibility, It is convergent. we want to reduce unnecessary confirmation of something, to reduce unnecessary in the management, important links, or how to efficiently run the company do? Now we have considerable authority departments, and a considerable establishment, in manufacturing waste, and then entered the garbage sorting, cleaning, manufacturing jobs of some people. make these complex documents, engage in a number of complex procedures, and unnecessary statements, documents, to feed to feed the cadres unnecessary . cadres can not produce value-added behavior. We must be effective in the control condition, try to streamline the agency. Secretary of the routine management of the right to deal with, the manager of the exceptions to the main event, as well as the importance of routine discrimination is unclear incident handling. more routine, the manager the less, the lower the cost. must be reduced preparation, the preparation of our bodies is too large. In the same conditions, the cadres are better, of course, can not be too small not one. Therefore, we must unswervingly take part of the cadre posts sent directly added up. organ evaluation, direct services should be to rate it with the authority of the salaries, bonuses linked to scores of organizations hook. This is also the customer orientation, internal customers are also customers.
marketing agency is incompetent. daily paper like snowflakes, like Fly, to report to the Office every day, the report today, tomorrow the statements, it is incompetent cadres. office every month to fill a table of all the data, into the database, the authorities should look for the data to the database. From tomorrow, the extra marketing database to form a group of cadres All data can only be to the team, not to the office to the office must give authority score, you do not play so good points to them and let them eat a little loss, otherwise they will not understand this truth to will not serve you, make you a strong fight. huge organ must be swelling. in the change process, will touch upon the interests of many people will encounter many contradictions, leading cadres should play an exemplary role. To some people dare to responsibility, not to take responsibility not as a cadre. When the engineer is also very honorable thing.
in their own work, we must dare to responsible, to make the process faster. of self-preservation of the people must be removed. Huawei great interest to the staff, so some people say do not lose this seat, do not lose the benefits. all the people to protect their own interests, to remove him from office, he was a stumbling block to change. In last year years, if not improve behavior, and even has not committed an error, the work has not improved, is not to remove him from office in place. his department did not raise the per capita benefits, he became the chief can not. He said he did not make a mistake, ah, did not make a mistake you can as a cadre? Some people are not committed an error because he did not do a thing. and some people at work made some mistakes, but he managed significant improvement in efficiency per sector, I think this is necessary to use cadres. For neither made mistakes, and no improvement can be locally removed cadres.
three, self-criticism, is thinking, character, qualities, skills, innovation excellent tool
we must implement the self-critical as the center of organizational transformation and optimization activities. self-criticism is not for criticism of criticism, nor to negate the criticism, but to optimize and construction and criticism. The overall goal is to enhance the core competitiveness of the company as a whole.
why the emphasis on self-criticism? We advocate self-criticism, but does not promote mutual criticism, because criticism is not good grasp of appropriate, if the criticism is very strong smell of gunpowder, it is easy to cause conflict between team . while he does criticize their own people do not own under the uncompromised, will be lenient on their own. that the use of lightly beat the feather duster, than do not play well, play more years, you will be tempered into a steel out. self-criticism is not only self-critical individuals, organizations have their own self-criticism. through self-criticism, the backbone at all levels should strive to shape their own, gradually moving towards professionalism, to the international. Only serious self-criticism in order to continue to absorb advanced in practice, optimization themselves. companies that self-criticism is a good way of personal improvement, this weapon can not grasp the staff at all levels do not wish to be promoted to them. Two years later, still can not grasp and use of this weapon to reduce the use of cadres. job incumbent cadres to struggle the rest, more than aggressive. cadres have professionalism, dedication, responsibility, sense of mission. We have no dedicated general staff requirements, they should pay for their labor, to obtain a reasonable return. only of dedicated staff work requirements, their trained cadres. In addition, we implement strict requirements of the senior cadres, cadres generally not strict requirements. because all the implementation of strict requirements, we manage our costs too high. because he wants tube spending Yeah, do not fight the things we want less grain dry. so we cadres at different levels have different requirements, those who can not use the self-critical cadres of this weapon can not be promoted. self-criticism from senior cadres began, senior officials each year have the democratic life at the mention of the issue of democratic life is very sharp. It was heard later that the company really intense internal struggle, you see, they spoke very sharp questions, but they are not finished shaking hands and went to war ? I hope that this spirit has been able to pass down, the following must also be democratic life, we must put forward their views with each other, each must be sweetness and light when the comments. I think the criticism of others should be a dinner party, should be painting, embroidery To Wenliang Gong so. must not become the democratic life within the meeting became a smell of gunpowder, a number of senior cadres sharp is their high quality, more to the grassroots level should be more moderate. do not expect a finished, not one year, years can be, three years of progress too late. I hope that cadres at all levels in the organization of democratic self-criticism session, be sure to grasp the scale. I think people are afraid of the pain, the pain is not too good, like painting , embroidery, like thin To cause to help people of his weaknesses, suggest improvements, the sweetness and style best. I believe as long as we continue the kind of storm pelting rain than more effective type of revolution.
four , qualifications and fictitious profit law is a reasonable assessment of cadres to promote the orderly company, effective system.
We must unswervingly continue to implement the qualification management system. the only way to change the assessment status evaluation of Mongolia. will to make contributions, responsible people to grow up as soon as possible. incentive mechanism should be beneficial to the company's core competitive strategy in full swing, but also conducive to the recent increasing core competitiveness.
What is leadership? What is the politicians? The Israeli elections, let us see the shortsightedness of the Jews. Rabin realized that a small country of Israel, hundreds of millions of Arabs in the siege, although several have defeated the Israeli war in the Middle East. But we can not say 50 years, 100 years later, the Arabs will not be developed, not land for peace today, demarcation of the border, and the surrounding peace, then once the Arabs strong, they will re-displaced. If so few Jews back in 2000 not to return was also years, might not be. and most people only care about immediate benefits, Sharon was the hard-liners, the recent win for the interests of Jewish people support him. I see the Jews as we do a short-sighted. We Do not cater to the leadership of the masses, but the purpose of promoting the organization, pay attention to methods of work. momentary interests of the expense is immediate, but the return was a long-term development.
I was in with a world famous company, is wholly my faceted cooperation competitors have said, I was Rabin's students, we must complement each other, mutual aid and co-existence. I'm just on the respect for Rabin, to describe the long-term strategic relationship with the competitors.
how to control office application of qualifications is a test of cadres at all levels. We in the implementation of incentives, do not have short-term, we need to emphasis on sustainable development. only to see his short-term contribution, but also see the organization's long-term needs. not against each other, not completely short-term, and do not fully protracted.
the same time, we should implement a positive assessment to the main event but to grasp the key reverse exam thing to do is do things. For each error to reverse to investigate, identify the root causes to improve. and find a good cadre. I think that the positive evaluation is important, the reverse is also important to test things. from the goal of successful decision management, in particular, the process is successful find and train cadres at all levels. in the failure of the project, we have to good at summing up, many of which cadres should also receive attention. To avoid performance absolute, metaphysical. particularly from a practical experience, a sense of responsibility of skill, and their jobs has been very good selection and training of key employees.
officials should carefully dedicated, dedication, responsibility and mission. difference between a cadre is not a good cadre, is not loyal, There are four criteria: First, you have dedication, the seriousness of the work improved, but also to improve it? could be improved? This is your job dedication. Second, you have dedication, Do not care about, our values ​​can not be absolutely fair evaluation system. if Cao Chong said the approach to serve as qualified to evaluate, then it is certainly fair. but if used to evaluate the precision balance, it is certainly not fair. We To be absolutely fair is impossible. I think that dedication is a very important evaluation factor cadres. If you are too preoccupied with a cadre, the cadres is absolutely done, you men have a lot of soldiers, you selfish, preoccupied with your good men to cooperate with you? There is no dedicated people not to do cadres, cadres must have to do the dedication. The third and fourth point is to have sense of responsibility and mission. Our employees are not all a sense of responsibility and sense of mission? If there is no sense of responsibility and mission, why do you want to be cadres. If you feel or do you have some sense of responsibility and mission, up to improve, otherwise you will eventually want to go on free. < br> Fifth, do not blindly innovative in order to reduce the huge organ.
smaller temple, the abbot by a few, less monks, authority is one such reform. The general principle is that we must be compressed bodies, and why? because we the construction of IT. Why should build IT? Dr. when road design, steel track to master the system, paving the way to undergraduate students. But the fork in the road repaired, do not pull such a high degree, or else no one Zuo Buqi the train. So when our organization system and process system up, do not so much high-level cadres, the abbot for less. The purpose is to establish processes to improve production efficiency units, and to cut a number of cadres. If one level are reduced number of cadres and our costs down quickly. standardized format and standardized language, so that every manager is more to expand the scope and content management. information is increasingly developed, the management level to less and less Administration officials maintain these levels will be less and less, the cost down.
to ensure that IT can be implemented, there must be a stable structure and stable process. blind innovation will only destroy this efficiency. < br> We do not fry too hot to innovation. We do not want casual innovation, to maintain a stable process. properly handle the management of the relationship between innovation and stability in the process. Although we have to manage innovation, system innovation, but for a normal company to that the frequent change, both inside and outside the order ...

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