Thursday, March 24, 2011

Every dutiful daughter , please be patient sees the bottom , you really know your husband

 Wedding day, Mom asked me: sitting in the corner as the two look like begging the people? I see the past, there was an old man staring at me, next to a woman, that I looked at them, quickly bowed his head. I do not know them but not like a beggar, even the clothes off the new print can tell. Mother said as they  beggar, Granny's reliance on a cane around the reason.
mom Tianchi orphans, no relatives there, and if they do not know to go boom. Now the bad beggar yet, like the other in front of the hotel, see Which wedding to pretend to eat the black liquor relatives. I said no, called Tianchi ask, right? Tianchi Huanglihuangzhang flowers out of my hands on the ground, and the last creak Wu Wu Tang Shu said, their family and the Church aunt. I stare at my mother one: almost the relatives off. Tianchi mom said you are not orphan? Where's relatives it? Tianchi afraid of mother, bow, said his family's distant relatives, do not travel a long time. But marriage is a major event, a relative did not come home, my heart felt was a pity, so ... ... I'm leaning on the shoulder Tianchi relatives complained that he had also said that before, should they transferred the table, since it is not sitting in standby relatives table.
Tianchi stopping let them sit there and say it, do not take the tables they ate too uncomfortable. Until I opened it on the table and also sat Tang Shu Tong aunt. After that I express my thanks for the wine table, Tianchi hesitation pulled me around them wiped from the past. Bury their heads back to see the low, I thought to pull back Tianchi: Tang Shu, Mrs Church, we give you two toasting! They looked up and stared at me a little bit do not believe. Two old hair is gray, it looks very old should look like seven or eight years old, Mrs Hall was empty eyes, face, eyes flashing, although at me, but suddenly uncertain. I'm good at uncertainty in her eyes shook, no response. Church is a blind old Aunt.
Tang, Tang Shu, Mrs Hall, it is I wife Xiao Jie, Men now propose a toast to you too! Tianchi accent to remind them in use. Oh, oh. Tang Shu crooked stood up, leaning on his left shoulder and right hand trembled Aunt Church to reach for a little wine, finger back are yellow cocoon, thick black finger grip keep the mud every where. Facing LOESS day back into the air prematurely tired they doubled up. I was surprised to find that Tang Shu's right leg is empty. Church aunt is blind, Tang Shu is lame, what a couple ah? Do not stand, and you sit down. I walked over and held onto them. Tang Shu and shaking down, and missed by the eyes of the court aunt suddenly Badabata straight tears, see Tang Shu silently patting her back. The two tried to persuade them, but I left Tianchi pulled.
I told Tianchi ​​said when they got home to give them a little money now, too pathetic. Both are disabled, it simply can not figure out how the day before. Tianchi nodded and did not speak, we learn to trust me. -
New Year's Eve the first year, Tian said that under the dinner back to the room did not have stomach pains and went to sleep. I let my mother boil point and rice also followed into the room. Tianchi lying in bed, eyes still simmering tears. I said that without such Tianchi, the first year of a New Year's Eve dinner is not with us, but also ran the room like this. If we were ill-treated you like family, a holiday you stomach pains, how can such a thing? In fact, I know you're not a stomachache, say what? Tianchi bored for a long time that I'm sorry, he just thought of Tang Shu and Church father and mother died and his aunt. He could not help but be afraid of the table, only the excuse that provoke parents upset stomach. I hug him and said: What a silly child, to them we see them after New Year opinions became, say I want to know they are how to live. Tianchi said Forget it, particularly difficult piece of mountain walking. You tired, and so after we had children lead to then watch them take you to that right. My heart to say: When we have children when they are not necessarily in it! But did not dare to speak out, saying one to give them some money or resent it! -
During the second year of the Mid-Autumn I was just out on business, Mid-day and not return home. I would like Tianchi and parents, I told Tianchi talking on the phone. Tianchi think I asked how do I get sleep? Tianchi said on the Internet or watching TV, and then not sleep with open eyes that have to severely. That night, we talked until the phone far too hot, no electricity. Lying on the hotel bed, looking out the window round the moon, how I could not sleep. Tianchi tears to his eyes open, like father, like mother. Tianchi estimates did not think of sleep, maybe being online fugue. Turn over and I open the computer, re-apply a QQ number called Checked and, sure enough Tianchi in, I take the initiative to add him, and he accepted. I asked him: a good day for a million happy, why do you still hang it online? He said: Because my wife is away on business, she could not sleep so like to see on the Internet. I am very satisfied with this sentence, then another shot: his wife was not home. Half a day before he knocked a line: If you are looking for, then I'm sorry, I did not find the person you are, goodbye. I'm sorry, I did not mean, do not be angry. Ba Baba, I quickly made in the past. After a while he asked me: how do you also hang out online it? I said: I work out and now want to father and mother. Just off the phone with her boyfriend or sleep to the Internet. I would also like my father and mother, but, the pro from home, son wants not. Parent home, son wants not. How to tell? I repeated this sentence struck in the past. I am a little inexplicably, Tian how to say such a thing? You call Some things in my heart for a long time will get sick, sun drying out will be a little more comfortable, anyway, I do not know you, as you listen to a story! So, I accidentally learned Tianchi been hidden in the heart of the matter. -
30 years ago, my father is nearly fifty of the not married, because he was crippled with no home, poor girl willing to marry him. Later, the village had a beggar came up and helped a blind old man is also a woman. Very sick old man, father to see them in their own poor let them rest. The old man did not think no one stay up too, and later the old man's daughter, who is that blind woman married my father. Gave birth to my second year. My home life was very hard, but I've never been hungry a meal. Father and your mother can not field species, there is no income to someone else's house stripping corn kernels, taken off a day full of Xuepao fingers, wrap the cloth and then peeling the next day. For me to go to school, the family owns three chickens, two chicken sold for money, leaving me to eat a raw egg. Niangshui begging in the city when she heard the baby to go to school in the city eat eggs, eat our house baby, the baby will be more intelligent than the city. But they never eat, I saw your mother back to the egg reached the mouth after licking the pot in the rest of the egg shell, I hugged your mother crying. Say whatever they refused to eat eggs, the father knew what it was to use a stick so angry mother. I finally, the premise is that the three of us a piece to eat. Although they agreed, but each also symbolic touches the teeth. Village on the people who had not called my name, call me a lame blind users. Father and mother when I heard someone call me with that person will be hard. Mother took the bricks will not see chaos hit, his mouth still curses: all you Sha Qiandao, we lame blind, baby I'm good to like you must not call out. You will not like me baby one. That year in the exam, exam lame blind home county of the first father and mother really good news for a handful of scenery. Out of town for our family all the tuition and fees, the day the father sent me to school the first time out of the mountain. That will be on the train, my tears rushed straight out assassination assassination, Davis hand-hand crutches for me Calei: into the city must learn, later to marry a wife in the city looking for work. Someone asks you about your father and mother you say you are orphans, without parents, or else others will look down on you. Especially not on the wife to marry, people will dislike you. Miss you marry a wife, I have no face to see ancestors. Dad! Do I let the father said, this is something, not useful for father and mother do ye not recognize it? Mother also said it was the truth, to listen to. You do not remember you in school? Just say you are a lame blind home, people will run you get dirty looks. The beginning and even the teacher does not like you. After you go home with the wife said, Men in town is your Aunt Tang Shu and the Church. Mother finished in that Ma Lei. Dieshui, not to his wife home, along the back will not help your mother revealed the secret of. Then to my arms, ten hides to drag your mother cooked eggs away. -
flutter my tears to fall down the assassination of the assassination, disability is not their fault, it is unfair to their God. But they had a perfect Tianchi to me. Tianchi silly, so parents, no longer perfect. I am very angry, how he's that look down on me it? That was, you tell your wife that they are your Aunt Tang Shu and Church? I knocked over this sentence. I did not believe. Looking for a wife I am not a father and mother, so why father and mother can not recognize it? But I'm out ten years, a father and mother have not been to my school. The first year of work, I want to take them into town to play, they all refused, saying that people know my parents are disabled in my shame, of my bride. A lifetime in the mountains do not want to go out. Mother said she was coming from the city, but also lacks meaning. Later, I talked about the first girlfriend, when I think about when the time to take her Huile Tang family. Surprisingly, after arriving home, she left no dinner meal left, I hurried outside, she said, and such a person to live not live her day. Gene said we have problems at home, certainly not after the health of children. I was so angry how far her roll far. Home, the mother in that cry, dad has called me. That I do not listen to their words, have to our family of incense is not broken. Later, I met a second girl, is now my wife. I love her and are afraid of losing her dream, and very rich in their home, relatives are some fine people, with the warning I am afraid only a lack of filial piety. But the one I wanted them on holidays, heart block feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable. You never told your wife? Maybe she does not care about that? I did not say, nor say. I think if she agreed with my mother would not agree. I live with them, father is a face of the people outside. If the father and mother came not in their faces smeared it? I can only learn in the business when his eyes spotted sneaking back. Thank you for listening to me so much, my heart now more comfortable. -
down the net, I still do not feel Italian. Mother said child is never too ugly, dog sees a poor family, see what we have done? I understand the helplessness of Tianchi, but also to understand his father and mother's difficulties. But they did not know I puts the innocent into a heartless face of adversity. Days to put bright, I knocked on the door manager, and told him the following things please him full authority to deal, very important thing I'm a little to do as soon as possible, all to please him. Then simply pick up my luggage I went straight to the train station. Fortunately, catch the first train. Mountain piece is indeed difficult to walk. First leg is still too fresh, and later blistered feet I wear to walk anymore. It is noon, the sun and tan terrible, I only breathe the copies. Back to the water were nearly finished, I do not know how much the following way to go. Squeezed off his shoes and blisters, which would be painful I cried out loud, really want to make a phone call to Tianchi to come get me, finally refrained. Reed pulled a flower from the roadside at the foot pad, I feel more comfortable feet. The father and mother thought Tianchi laboring at home at this time also suddenly the look on his leg to a strong, stand up and move on. -
when the old village head took me to the door when the Heavenly Lake, a burnt red sunset that was shining in front of their home on the old date tree. Tang Shu sitting under the jujube tree, oh no, Tianchi the father, father's older than the marriage that much, hand peel the corn, quietly leaning on his cane incomplete piece of the leg. Mother kneeling on the ground ready to receive a good drying corn, hand-line and is a one to look inside. This, like a painting, but painting is the most perfect father and mother in this world. Step by step I walked to their front, saw my father, in the hands of corn dropped to the ground, mouth open and get the boss asked, aghast: you, are you hanging over the? Mother was asked to explore the side: his father, who now? Days, Tianchi home. Ah! In the Where? Mother found me in the direction of panic. I stooped to lay down their luggage, and then grabbed her hand, facing them, with deep pain, kneeling down heavily: Dad! Mother! I'll take you home! Father a couple of dry cough, tears silently out from the face covered with wrinkles. Anjiu said White did not raise me my baby Ah! Mother put his hands in rubbing back and forth from a body, and then hugged me, line by line the tears from her eyes hot hole to flow into my neck. I go with the father and mother, when the village was put firecrackers. I was a father and mother scenery. -
When Tianchi opened the door and saw me standing on either side of the father and your mother is not surprised when a small, stares at it, a language unknown. I said: Heavenly Lake, I read you. I have our father and mother take back. Such a perfect father and mother, how can you be willing to throw them in the mountains? Thank you! Tianchi broke down in tears, hugged me tightly, as his mother and his party, like the tears into my neck. -
seen moving, all the love their parents, filial children, must be reproduced in this article, so that all the people come together to love their parents, be kind to parents!

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