Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chen sincerely hoarding some idle land for 17 years

 Chen faith: Some 17 years of idle land hoarding text / Chen sincerely
(Content Guide: store to content in the personal point of view for reference purposes only and does not constitute any person or any institution, to make any decisions based on business not mentioned in the text constitute the person or body assessment.)
hoarding more than a lot of idle land
last 10 years, with the further deepening of real estate regulation, idle land and the market once again become the focus of public opinion.
It is reported that, according to April introduction of the speculation on the existence of idle land and to conduct real estate development companies, commercial banks may not grant loans to new development projects, SFC authorities to suspend the approval of its listing, refinancing and restructuring of major assets requirements dispatched to the country large-scale research. research after the end of May 12, issued by the Department of Homeland month special rectification real estate sites, in the end of July is almost over. according to several research groups to large-scale national research report, Ministry of Land and sorted out at the end of third quarter of 2009 the National 1457 the situation of idle land assignee of idle land, contract number, contract completion time and time agreed to open the content.
the more than 70% residential land), idle area of 9772.365294 hectares, the total contract price of 25,609,478,550 yuan. Beijing, Guangzhou, Hainan, Jiangsu, number four in the idle land for nearly a quarter of the country's total. Beijing alone, there were 160 cases of land idle, there Fanhai construction, China Resources Land, New World and other well-known real estate companies involved in hoarding.
the 1457 land, there are more than 600 cases were their own reasons for the formation of the idle land, the other 800 cases were the reasons the government lead. Among them, mostly sold in around 2005, the general accumulation of a long time. Even were reported to have idle land hoarding time, the longest has reached 17 years, as well as the land may have already stockpiled more. such as Guangzhou, land has been idle for 17 years, the shortest idle time has also been 4 years. 12 years. There are a near Tianhe China Homestead Park has been idle for 13 years. investment subsidiary of Guangzhou Pearl River south of Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway, provincial bio-pharmaceutical companies lots of residential land plots north, in February 1997 signed a grant contract construction area of 2.82 hectares, 1.31 million yuan of land shall, agreed start time for February 1998, agreed completion time, in February 2001. Another example is Beijing, Royal Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. purchased in late 1999 to develop bidding 100 million yuan Huang all Mall, but is still idle, the time to hoard more than 10 years. Earlier this year, in March, the ; rich Dynasty up to 17 years. Another example of Hunan, a number of residential developers hoarding land, showing the date of signing of the contract October 12, 1998, store the time for almost 12 years.
and, by comparing before and after the data analysis can be found some have been included in the The total transfer amount of less than 6 billion, and only a block Zhujiang New City, the developer had not yet commenced profit from the appreciation of land close to 1.12 billion: the land due to legal disputes schedule for 8 years, 4 years later and then idle total accumulation of 12 years, originally planned a total construction area of 80,000 square meters, floor price is 1356 yuan / square meter, the price is now king of Pearl River New City has reached 15,324 yuan / square meter, this calculation, the land has value about 11 times, the developer had been profitable from nearly 1.12 billion yuan. There are a near Tianhe Park, home of China, the area of its right to use 19,130 square meters, total construction area of 103,697 square meters, has been idle for 13 years , while the original price is only around 4,000 yuan / square meter, now up to 20,000 yuan / square meter, which is not difficult to calculate the return on the developer store to how high.
bring the store to be a huge return, against hoarding and other serious implementation of land policy has been in place, the cost of hoarding is not high, risk is not, therefore, reported that, as in Hainan, square meters, are business taking place, the time of signing the contract is December 17, 1998. But there is news that this may just landlord. List completed in 30 months, as at the end of 2009, as disclosed in the contract from the start time has been over the past nearly 4 years. In addition to the Beijing projects, according to the calculation, the end of 2009, New World China has a total built surface of various types of development land close to 2600 million square meters, has started an area of only 250 million square meters, accounting for more than ten percent of the total. The remaining more than 89% of the land is still in Containment of idle land financing
new loan before the loan review and post-loan management. on the existence of idle land and acts of speculation in real estate development companies, commercial banks may not grant loans to new development projects, SFC authorities to suspend the approval of its listing, refinancing and restructuring of major assets. Prior to this, land Resources promulgated in 1999, month, the China Banking Regulatory Commission made it clear that, on the survey by the bank and (or) by the land and resources, building department store to cover their room there is verified acts of real estate development enterprises, commercial banks shall not grant new loans to its. New ten countries of existing loans and to take security should be reduced, and the whole line up and down the list to reflect the client; increased collateral standards, all requirements to construction in progress for the mortgage, is not easily used as collateral for payment of land development loans. < br> According to reports, the Ministry of idle land has been the around the risk of financial institutions to carry out an immediate investigation, the banks in July 15 of these projects before the credit situation, loan balance and the specific number of reported non-performing loans, according to the business control policies, the impact point to the financing of real estate developers full control, by the tightening of capital market financing to bank loans, financing channels control in full swing. The author Chen sincerely believe that this also shows that, starting from the financing Land control is continue to push forward, not after, as some have suggested, but did not bottom out control policies. On the other hand, the market downturn, the developer is difficult to return the funds by selling at the same time, some local governments are added collection efforts to land big money, Nanjing, Wenzhou, and even paid by developers, land transfer delay in the resumption of a part of the land. It is evident, with the further deepening of regulation, some developers will increasingly hoarding of land The more the pressure of facing a shortage of funds.
State Council on the promotion of economical and intensive land use notice 20% of the levy 土地闲置费. In addition, the Ministry of idle land acquisition will be value-added premium.
store to the contract shall not more than one year are called idle land development, as funds are not in place, the development policies of their own adjustments caused the land idle, idle land disposal should be strictly in accordance with the approach to treatment. idle for one year will be charged 20% of land transfer fees, as idle, idle for two years and over land through the back way to deal with. If the government reason to take to promote development and use of measures to improve the corresponding conditions, long-term administrative reform question is not responsible for such.
only because the Government has introduced policies to combat land idle land and other serious implementation in place, efforts to crack down on hoarding is actually not so little idle land has been the policy of punishment, very few Idle land is recovered, and hoarding will bring huge returns, the cost of hoarding is not high, risk is not, therefore, developers hoarding land, fallow land, fried to conduct the prevalence of more and more idle land.
the idle land issue relates to land, housing, real estate, and even regulation of livelihood, economic development model, and other major issues, therefore, the Since this In the idle?
should be said that although the About 10,000 hectares of idle land, the country was also pointed out that the actual public opinion more than 10,000 hectares of idle land.
fact, such as Beijing, reported that only 2007 to 2009 3-year deal but has been idle for the development of amounted to 1,500 hectares of land. Again Guangzhou, Housing Authority will strive to include these 54 years the introduction of all land, including more than 200 cases were disposed of idle land solution , has been reported that the Lau Hung said the Ministry of Land and the not on the list. So, to say, 1457, the country may only be the actual total amount of idle land tip of the iceberg, but a lot of idle land in the drop in the ocean.
Second, in China, which city would not idle land?
due to land serious implementation of the policy is not in place, the hoarding of land, low cost, little risk, while the output of considerable interest, input-output ratio is high, so free, the hoarding, speculation behavior prevails. It should be said, free to hoard There is a widespread phenomenon around the can Authority responsible person to the media revealed that Shanghai was a total of 1077 hectares of residential land in the the news media reported data show that as of January this year, Shanghai a total of idle land 300. January 9 this year, the Shanghai Land Administration Department announcement that the decision to start the eight recovery and urge the idle land. It is reported that as of July 30 this year , Shanghai has been recovered and the recovery process has started a total of 15 plots have been urged to start 315. Bulletin No. 8 of 2003 as introduced in a sea-land transfer of 630 opportunities, the Shanghai Real Estate Development Co., the sea people Company Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Wanma 3.5 million total (4170 yuan / square meter floor price) won, and then 7 years of the plots had not been started. these instructions, ; shows Shanghai is not idle land, or does not match with the actual situation.
Third, the 1457 final in the end of idle land have much to be free to recover?
early since 2005, the Ministry have been set off too many times action against hoarding, but in the end only a handful of idle land to be recovered.
Recently, although Beijing, Nanjing, Wenzhou, recovered part of the land, but the failure to recover the land premium paid on time and not idle land . Therefore, the 1457 end of idle land, currently do not end easily.
fourth is idle for two years, land prices are rising fast, the birth of a lot of Today, there are still many little has been idle, hoarding more than two years, but has not been without compensation, but also not included in the inventory of combat range, does not appear in the behavior, the objective of the model played a role in hoarding and encourage more developers to the store to act.
is because the public doubts, coupled with early implementation of land policy in place, little experience of idle land to be recovered lessons, especially in some local governments fear will lead to crack down on hoarding land prices to drop or withdraw after the store can not sell at high prices and laissez-faire, the default developers hoarding land, so the inventory of idle land in the harsh, effect, or still limited.
disturb the market order of the real estate development companies, credit payment, credit, capital markets and other aspects of refinancing and IPO should be limited. the new investigate acts of idle land and land speculation. on the existence of idle land and acts of speculation in real estate development companies, commercial banks may not grant loans to new development projects, SFC authorities to suspend the approval of its listing, refinancing and restructuring of major assets. Since April the introduction of new Joint development loans and other measures.
should be said that while the inventory of idle land the effect of severe or limited, store a , the Ministry of Land and China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly investigation of idle land, the release of the government to further deepen the control signal, causing the market for real estate expected to further tighten control policies.
In addition, it is learned, in addition to the store from the Ministry of Land Resources to Zengyin hoarding houses, illegal sales were punished development business directory, which contains some well-known enterprises and listed companies. Previously, the Ministry of Housing and Urban China Banking Regulatory Commission has been handed over to the good credit record market transactions and real estate development business Directory.
not difficult to see, in order to complete the deployment of the State Council to curb housing prices in some cities, ensure market stability and healthy development of the real estate goals, Housing and Urban Construction, Ministry of Land and Resources and the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Commission is closely coordination and cooperation, promote the regulation continued to deepen. article of faith that Chen, tun . It is further deepened with the macro-control, which included store, store room work, or to start again in the near future a massive storm inventory of idle land.
And, should say, store a take practical measures to put pressure on developers hoarding land, forcing part of the land to speed up start, the formation of the market. Furthermore, the government has increased efforts to crack down on hoarding may also be expected to hit land prices, land prices fall or direct force to promote the land market and thus the healthy development of the real estate market.
Therefore, if the Government really strict implementation of land policy, the policy should be spared punishment for each case of idle land, rather than a symbolic part of a small store to take steps to go through the motions , continue to the most critical factors is whether the Government will do closely related to ideas or actions.
Land Use Department of Homeland Secretary Liaoyong Lin has said that the government caused the land if it is idle to take to promote development and use of measures to improve the corresponding conditions, long-term do not change the conduct of administrative accountability. It is not difficult to see, the Ministry has recognized local governments in the implementation of land policies to combat hoarding key role, and with intent to put pressure on local governments to curb through the hoarding phenomenon.
[contact the author Chen sincerely: QQ622000544 , telephone, limited land transactions and project financing, etc. to contact, please indicate the specific issues. relating to land transactions and project financing the supply and demand information, please email Welcome to the QQ group media ; industry opinion leaders, > Housing
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