Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Photo lotus mother

 Bing Xin's mother, father, friend lotus gave us two-cylinder Lotus, a tank is red, a cylinder is white, are placed in the courtyard. Eight years, I did not see the Lotus in the yard of the - - But the hometown The garden courtyard there are many: not only Bingdi, and there are three pedicle, four pedicle, are red lotus. Nine years ago, a moonlit night, and my grandfather sitting in the courtyard. grandfather laughed and I said: overcast days, I feel a little bored. looked out the window, that a White Lotus has been thanked, as scattered white petals and a boat floating in the water. peduncle, leaving only a small Lianpeng, and a few yellow flowers be. that a lotus, or Handan last night, and this morning was in full bloom, Kingston stands in the middle of the green leaves. is still unpleasant ---- wandering for a child, made the thunder out of the window, Then the rain came, the more the next larger. Naduo HL, the rain was that dense, playing left and right oblique interjection. in the absence of shelter under the sky, I can not go to the next stage, is unable to think. of the house mother called to, I quickly walked over and sat next to his mother - suddenly saw a back next to a large lotus leaf, slowly dumping down the years, are covered by the above ...... I'm not in the HL Ning's heart cleared it! rain does not subside, do not shake the HL. rain, gone the name, only in the mercy of the lotus leaf that brave above, unable to gather some drops of water flow. my heart deeply moved by the - mother ah! You are the lotus leaf, I was red lotus, the hearts of rain coming, but you, who are my sky, without masking the shade? Appreciation When reading an article from the Bing , always feel it is crystal clear night sky in the dolphin star children. her article like a pond, the wind after the ripples Yang Qi heart always. Bing Xin's article through the elegant classic text, always make We feel her work around the maternal love, innocence and beauty of nature, describing a heart a typical theme of the article to maternal love. article describes a night in a thunderstorm red lotus in full bloom, was beaten so inclined. of standing under the eaves, could not help worrying about the petals of a flower just started HL. While authors the children ... ... this article generally depicted rain lotus, lotus lotus care scene, very warm and moving, full of a deep sense of love, it makes logical association to the mothers of their children's care and love . in our lives all the time into the mother deep love, early morning in the kitchen busy figure; out in front of a caring exhort, before going to sleep mask was tight angle. mothers love their children have become the heart of their lives the habit. mother is the child take shelter. When the storm hit, they would put the child in his arms tightly. under the umbrella of the motherly love, all the storms seem to be vulnerable to drops of water. end of the article Office of the call of affection: and selfless giving, is to let children have a healthy and comfortable environment, which reflects the great maternal love. I believe our lives will always have a forever for our shelter with a lotus leaf - our mother

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