Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Graduates Employment Survey 2011 Expected monthly salary of two thousand

 Nankai University, Tianjin Channel
research group since November of last year, respectively, in Nankai University, Tianjin University, Tianjin University, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Agricultural College, Tianjin University, 14 College and other institutions caring for 1416 college graduates a questionnaire survey. Investigation include the employment status of graduates, graduation planning, internship experience, entrepreneurial intention, etc., covering engineering, science, literature, philosophy, economics, law and other 11 disciplines, including the proportion of boys and 51.52%, 48.48% female ratio. Survey, the expected general increase in graduates, while the employment situation also highlights the new features and new problems.

68% of graduates intended to stay in Tianjin

2011 the city in general college graduates is expected to reach 12.3 million, of which 5.9 million graduates, specialist (vocational) school 5.2 million students, graduate students 1.2 million. Overall demand for adequate job market for graduates employment situation is better. Initial employment rate increased, as of last December, part of the initial employment rate of University graduates 80%, 50% signing rate. Campus job fairs for graduates of the scale and the screening data than the previous two years, has markedly improved over the same period, the number of special recruitment will be doubled compared with previous years, the improved quality of recruiters, job number to increase further.

students are expected general increase in treatment, of which 32% of the students expected monthly salary in 2000 to 3,000 yuan. Graduation, compared whereabouts diversified than in previous years trends, eight more concentrated in the eastern coastal cities and regions to Beijing, Shanghai and other cities has increased the number of graduates, to be the proportion of graduates to stay in Tianjin, about 68%, and broadly unchanged from previous years.

over half of the students preferred state-owned

Survey showed that 58.66% of the graduates to Health intends to apply for civil servants, the proportion of these items were improved compared with previous years. By the financial crisis in foreign investment, private enterprises large-scale layoffs, closure of the

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