Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love Poems

 That night I want to dance with you if your mouth and
Yanhui can not stomach how
especially for your courage

quietly gone to see met with courage
quietly looking at you face to face

my heart could not help the hardship already who is going to appeal to my lonely

you can clearly say you have not you I want to boyfriend
Laozhu your real estate broker

in the years to come I do not know whether we can be going the same way

moment in the hope I may kiss your mouth I
back home walking in the street smoking a cigarette alone
roadside neon mood to look
just want you still on duty in the streets
night so cold and so I still
but in my mind churning
you said you had no boyfriend
I want to Laozhu perhaps from your real estate broker

Maybe we're just friends from heart to heart we become Liangkou
No one has the right after intersection

to no one who has the power to rid off
perhaps from heart to heart after the intersection we may become Liangkou
since we just Friends
I want to Laozhu your real estate broker
you said you had no boyfriend but in my mind
night so cold and so quiet
just want you still on duty in the street
mood to take a look at the roadside neon night

smoking alone in the streets back home I might go
I have kissed your mouth in the hope

the moment I do not know whether we can be going the same way in the coming years

I want to Laozhu your real estate broker
you said you had no boyfriend
you my loneliness
clear who is going to the grievances of my heart could not help have
quietly watching you
quietly gone to see met face to face
especially for your courage

how can not the courage to open your mouth and then
Yanhui I want to dance the night goes
you with

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