Monday, February 21, 2011

AFC premiere of total defeat Stayed Yatai Siberian tiger is the largest short-board

difficulties in traveling, traffic and more deflected, in this security.
Great ambition there, Ji Yun-Fan Bai Ji .--- sea. The difficulties in traveling
Chinese football is the case, we Super Powerful want to take advantage of the occasion of national football Kong Hanzheng big break on the stage in the AFC for a revenge. desire to still good, the road is still winding, Changchun Yatai in the first stage is opened with a total defeat Super AFC season campaign ended a prelude to their AFC unbeaten record. remember when the times are still Gao Hongbo Yatai to the spirit of grassroots Jagged Deus Ex though ultimately failed, but it reflects the first time sub- Siberian tiger's bloody crown won the praise of people. Today, the commander has not the commander of the year, with the result of non-current results.
audience by retreating Yatai low-key style defensive forward, abandoning the long trip formation 361 parallel to 442 stations, often during the race number 802 appears dominant defensive formation is still full of loopholes in the comprehensive strategy to give up against an enemy outside the country under the door handle Qi Kashima Antlers suffered attack. once in the super-famous fly with both wings on which the game was holed up in the style of defense under the basic strategic thinking did not play in the space, so a clean sheet is also reasonable. Compared with the Gao Hongbo, like Stayed is not conservative to the extreme passion plus stubborn old man, the lack of competition the ability to interpret and tactics, Asia and Thailand did not mind playing the weak teams exhausted, which is probably a common problem in China Coach:
1. for friendly not suitable for formal competition: Local coaches tend to be more of a color in a friendly, did not result in a friendly constraints, so take risks, dare to try, but always in the race fear fear hands feet, and the lack of a correct interpretation of the game, which native may be the biggest difference between coaching and Yangshuai;
2. the lack of passion back conservative: more handsome cool soil, which might be cool to give the Chinese culture, and perhaps a lack of passion, personality defect is the lack of Chinese football the impact of the World Series often the root cause of no avail. has passion to bring out the platinum Stayed generation, Gao Hongbo passion to bring out the roots of the king, it is also the passion and personality make him the first person to break the Konghan Zheng, Shen Xiangfu has old, his attitude has been very old to the extreme, not afraid to try to not risk breaking the rules inherent in conventional stick, so the AFC under the Yatai will be very difficult journey;
3. away Baoping camel mentality: Chinese football always bring out the edge of life and death combat, but appear in the security level can be lost in case of self, which is a disease, a lack of self-control without self-confidence of the disease. a lack of ambition to win the game and the determination to win the game, the AFC Yatai road trip is in the beginning of this mentality, inherited the common problem of football soccer naturally inherited the inherent result of a seemingly lost the results of a small ball can accept, but the game itself from a new perspective Stayed a total defeat of the season premiere.
regret leaving as Tommasi super stadium to say: too many factors outside the Super League, Chinese coaches do not understand the basic ball. the most basic tactics can not be resolved, the details for the game can not spot the command should have shown the level of coaches, behind China, the world soccer football is also reasonable. Although we have fought in the Super AFC team to encourage But more should be improved, Stayed in contention when the national football coach talk about the advantages of national football coach is his experience of failure, how ironic edge, and good choice is the ultimate Nan Yong Gao Hongbo, or to teach this level Stayed , Kunitari Kong Hanzheng will continue ...
Stayed a total defeat of the advice can change the idea of it? not, rather critical, Yatai AFC Stayed with the basic hope of qualifying, championship hopeful it? I think it is all in vain more times than even Li Shubin feel remote, Yatai are high hopes is the biggest short-Stayed board ...

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