Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ten boys and girls untouchable , do not see you regret it!

 To a man as a plaything of the most shameless girls
this girl , but particularly welcomed by the boys , or how can men as playthings ? Han purple not only look down on this girl , and boys look down and her contacts .
2, money worship girls
money is not everything , money worship and the girls like close to the rich kids , if the boys home, come down by the financial turmoil , she would break off , and after all will not know yourself you pay attention .
3, hysterical girls girls
such expertise is a crying two downtown hanged three boys and her best not to sing a different tune , or will causes a big stir .
4, girls
feminist women in the eyes of these boys is their own subordinates. You must be docile and obedient to her , or a hello bear.
5, betray the girls
these girls, as long as the boys and her enemies , she can do anything out, even publicly privacy between the two , at the crash and burn .
6, the girls ready to knock over Cu Tanzi MM
and such exchanges, boys look the other girls , do not over 3 seconds , otherwise . . . . . . Best to head down the road to go .
7, fragile girl
everything you need to rely on , from psychological to the physical needs your care.
8, skittish girls
faithless not my fault , because he is better than you , so I gave you choose him.
9, stupid dirty girl girls
confused , forgetful , and daily life can not take care of themselves , how can the future be a wife and mother.
10, particularly because of excellent female
good , so confident, therefore, have forgotten how to tender .
your mind that Please answer back in the log, I hope the world lovers get married.
PS: The final statement → Han Purple text and images without any correspondence.
Note,enjoy more exciting Notes .

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