Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh, the best boyfriend bottle ~ ~ ~ ~ yeah

 XII : Sagittarius

fact shooter just love freedom, love yourself just you, no not okay , but fell in love with Sagittarius , be cautious Oh, he always will be the outside hot sister Oh, go seduce ~

eleventh :
the constellation Capricorn , old-fashioned some of it when the key is the cause of others is not heavy weight of love , perhaps just to career day Plan or what the world devoted to your ~

tenth : Leo
God, he still the boss than the Capricorn , but also high-handed, to be careful with him, oh , so Offend him, tie you up and beat Oh ... ...

ninth : Virgo
a bit difficult to get along with him , he is esthete , all the demands of perfect Oh, so a bit annoying ~

eighth: Cancer
he likes to feel at home , and the faithful Fuji , to pay such a boyfriend, you will be very unexpected addition to her mother tried to delicious meals outside Oh.

seventh: Pisces
very romantic , but he was very romantic , oh, you want to enjoy the romance, when romance of the princess, to quickly find fish right ... ...
< br>
sixth: Aries
, but he was overbearing , a boss , the way you can enjoy , to feeling spoiled , is also very good oh ~

< br> Fifth: Do not look
Taurus Taurus is stubborn, and in fact he is very cute, very energetic Oh ... ...

fourth : Gemini
his lively and happy, With him, do not worry no place to go to the next moment , his ideas may be living to ~

third : Scorpio
not look like he was very cold Oh , and his love Ah , than when the gods still happy yet. Of course , the premise is that you Do not bother , or else ... ...

second : Libra
not hard to imagine , and the handsome Libra come together , how noble and proud.

first : Aquarius
he can make you feel warm and considerate , but also illusory temptation, and that boys do love is the best.

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